Monday, December 23, 2019

Critique of Geoffrey Canadas Fist Stick Knife Gun Essay

Critique of Geoffrey Canadas Fist Stick Knife Gun The Book â€Å"Fist Stick Knife Gun† by Geoffrey Canada is a biographical account of his childhood in the south Bronx. He and his 4 brothers were raised by only their mother. She would survive on no more than ten dollars a week. He moved several times as a child until finally landing on union avenue, the place were many of his life lessons were learned and at times applied. He learned about the ranking process of kids on union Ave. and how the only way to improve your status was to use your fists to fight your way up the chain. Looking back Geoffrey Canada notices the major shift in attitudes concerning the rules of the streets. What once was harmless fist fighting has now turned over to†¦show more content†¦The next was â€Å"Stick†. Their wasn’t much mention of this phase in his life, but he does mention the fact that in certain circumstances, a broken bottle or a stick can be used in self defense when the opponent uses a weapon. The place where this w ould happen is at school. The rules of the streets still applied but the problem was many different â€Å"gangs† associated and congregated at his junior high. So everyone their follows different rules, some â€Å"gangs† might think the use of weapons is acceptable, so Union Ave. people have to adjust these circumstances and use a stick or a broken bottle to defend themselves. As he grew even older he began to notice other gangs tendencies of carrying knives. He realized that this fact changed the code of conduct. No longer would be a good fist fighter keep you from confrontation. Even the most unskilled fighter could win a fight and be on top if they knew how to swing a blade. One day Geoffrey lucked out, because he found an old rusted up knife in the gutter. It was his pride and joy. He could never afford one, so he went to many lengths to get it in working condition again. Once he returned it to its original shine, he perfected his techniques of swinging it. The gun gave him a new sense of protection. He walked with a sense of certainty that if anyone were to mess with him, they would be sorry. One day however, he realized the realities of what a knife could

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